Rapid Roof Lifter Cost Savings

Raising the roof of your industrial building instead of relocating can offer significant cost savings. Here's a breakdown:

Construction Costs

When considering construction options, raising the roof emerges as a cost-effective alternative to constructing a new building. This method not only saves on land expenses, which vary greatly by location, but also minimizes the need for an expanded building footprint. While there are costs associated with building materials and labor for raising the roof, they are dramatically more economical compared to starting a new construction project from the ground up.

Permitting and Approval Expenses

If you are considering moving to a new location, it's important to remember that relocating entails obtaining different permits and approvals from local authorities. This process can prove to be both time-consuming and costly. In contrast, if you're considering raising the roof of your current facility, you might also need permits, but this procedure should be simpler and more cost-effective than a relocation.

Infrastructure Costs

Roads, utilities, and telecommunications can involve significant investments. On the other hand, when you're looking to extend a building vertically, the process typically doesn't demand heavy infrastructure upgrades, since the current infrastructure can typically support the expansion.

Business Interruption Costs

When a business relocates, it can cause disruptions to business flow, resulting in downtime and lost revenue. With raising the roof, where the existing facility can usually operate fully during construction, interruptions can be minimized. This approach helps maintain productivity and revenue levels, making the transition smoother and less impactful on the business's operations.

Tax Implications

Relocating can potentially trigger additional taxes or fees. Raising the roof should not incur the same tax implications, since it entails expanding an existing property rather than creating a new one. 

Employee Disruption

When employees have to relocate, it can lead to turnover or morale problems because of longer commutes or adjustments in the work environment. By raising the roof of your existing building, disruptions are minimized, and productivity losses related to relocation are avoided. This approach creates a supportive environment that values employee well-being while maintaining operational efficiency.

Environmental Considerations

Raising the roof of your facility can help minimize environmental disturbance by expanding within the current footprint instead of encroaching on new land. This approach showcases a conscious effort to reduce the ecological footprint and preserve natural surroundings.

Happy warehouse employees

Choosing to elevate the ceiling of an industrial structure instead of moving can lead to substantial cost savings, all while keeping operations smooth and disruptions minimal for staff and stakeholders. 

Learn how much the Rapid Roof Lifter system can save your business. Contact us for more information today: